Missouri is one of the top states for manufacturing methamphetamine. It is estimated that 500,000 children between the ages of 12-17 will use drugs or alcohol and after the age of 18 that number more than doubles. Recently we heard the Missouri Governor’s son was accused of drinking and driving. All too often we hear the negative impact of those not yet in recovery, but it does not have to be that way.
Locally, we have a non-profit organization called Better Life in Recovery (BLiR). Their mission, transforming lives with recovery. In 2013 BLiR held 3 events. In 2014 BLiR had 8 events and this year 29 events are planned plus they have weekly get-togethers for positive social interaction. BLiR is partnering with Springfield Public Schools this summer to paint 6 elementary school playgrounds and partnered with the Missouri Conservation Department to provide water quality reports and help make the James River clean; using people in long-term recovery!
The Missouri Recovery Network (MRN) promotes awareness of substance-use disorders and strengthens recovery state and nationwide. MRN advocated for peer support services and now the Missouri Department of Mental Health has the Missouri Recovery Support Specialist- Peer license. Peers help individuals and families on their recovery journey to develop healthy, meaningful lives and build relationships.
Research shows peers decrease mortality rates, increase life expectancy, improve self-efficacy and quality of life while reducing the use of emergency services. Peers use their lived experience in long-term recovery to provide hope and inspiration to others.
Peers save lives!
How would I know?
Because I am in long-term recover and for me that means I have not used drugs or alcohol since January 31st 2009 and because of that I founded BLiR and I am MRN’s regional peer outreach specialist for the Springfield area! Recovery is amazing, but I need your help to spread that message.
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