Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Locker Room: 10 Requirements for Long-Term Recovery

I am big on using analogies; people understand analogies. Today, we are going to talk about everybody's lives using a sport’s themed analogy. Whether you are in long-term recovery, addiction or consider yourself normal (what ever that is), this applies to you! I believe we all have basic needs that must be satisfied to live our lives well. 

"What do we need?"

Glad you asked! First, realize our lives are like a game. In most games when you lose, you start a new game. In Monopoly, when you land on Go to Jail! you do not pass go, you do not collect $200 and you go directly to jail. This game is serious. In this game, when you go to jail, you are in a 5 foot by 9 foot cell and they might keep you for a while. This game is real, it is for keeps. Most of us only get one chance at it, so let’s make the most of it. 

So how do I make the most of my life?

First, choose a team. Once you make that choice, you automatically have a team manager. Every great team has a great coach, and that coach teaches you the game plan. Next, you practice. You run the game plans with team mates, who are also focused on winning the game and succeeding. Before each game you hit the locker room to get pumped up and inspired for the game. If you start getting frustrated or have a couple of bad plays, you call a timeout. And don’t forget about the home field advantage! Some will first need to work with trainers to improve their skills so they are ready for the big leagues.

What does that look like in recovery?   

1.     Team = Is your life about sobriety or addiction? Choose now!
2.     Manager = Higher Power…something greater than you that gives hope, support, forgiveness and validation
3.     Game Plan = 12 Steps/Bible…a guide for  how to live your life well (Other religious texts, or scientific methods like CBT may apply for you)
4.     Coach = Sponsor/Mentor-someone living their life the way you want to live yours
5.     Practice = Recovery Support meetings/Small Groups…meetings with like-minded people
6.     Teammates = Accountability Partners...people who will call you out and keep you honest
7.     Locker Room = Gratitude List/Church…things that charge your spiritual batteries
8.     Time Out = Prayer/Meditation…to focus and calm down
9.     Home Field Advantage = Community Service...things done altruistically for the community, making you a vital part of it. Stop taking resources and become one while working side by side with others!
10.  Trainers = Therapy/Rehabilitation…a place where professionals teach you the intricacies of the game

These things are vital for long-term recovery. If you apply these 10 things to your life while avoiding negative people and places I guarantee that you not only can, but will have a Better Life in Recovery!

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